We met each community and explained in detail what the Beneficiary SMS Feedback
system is and how it works. The beneficiaries
consisted of elders, women, and the Community Implementation Project Unit
(CIPU), the locally elected body that is responsible for CDRD project
implementation. They were happy to learn that they could directly communicate
with the head office in Hargeisa, despite the challenges with the electricity
shortage and illiteracy.
To ensure that beneficiaries really understood the system and can send
SMS, we asked if some of them could test the feedback system and send messages
during the mobilisation. They did and we shared our experiences from previous
field trips to El-Afweyn and Qardho. Some beneficiaries in these towns needed
help to write their feedback messages and we found that partnering parents with
their literate children worked successfully. They seemed happy with the idea
and promised to take it onboard.
Poor network coverage.
Most of the beneficiaries are nomad, illiterate and in some cases have
never sent an SMS.
Power shortage to charge phones.
· Some beneficiaries are resistant to the idea of
sending SMS because it is a new concept to them and find it requires a lot of
Lessons learned
· Almost all beneficiaries tend to be impatient and demand
that their SMSes are answered urgently. We explain the process to them and the
average time it takes to process a complaint or a request.
· We learnt about local businessmen such as Hussein
Hassan, see picture bellow, who make a living out of charging mobile phones for
people with no access to electricity for about 0.5$. Communities are happy with
this type of service because they struggle with power shortage.
Trip summary
Odweyne District is about 7 hours drive from Hargeisa on a partly rough
road. The 6-day road trip, including daily visits to the villages outside
Odweyne town, was intense but very productive.
What made the rolling out of the feedback system to Odweyne a bit easier
is that we have put to use lessons learnt from the first pilot field trips to
El-Afweyn, Somaliland and Qardho, Puntland. Mainly that we needed to develop
simple and easy to understand guides and things like the stickers so
beneficiaries can understand the feedback system easier. Also, unlike the first
pilot field trip, now the SMS feedback has been properly tested and
beneficiaries can send SMSes during the mobilization and if they have problems
or questions can directly ask us direct.
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